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History is littered with examples of great atrocity being masked with so-called necessity and the use of neutral or clinical language. Nowhere is that clearer than the way Big Agriculture kills animals in cruel ways with impunity. Animals make it to consideration as numbers on a balance sheet, are killed in their thousands at secret facilities deliberately hidden from the public eye, and die incredibly painful deaths in practices like the unspeakably horrible “ventilation shutdown.”

When farmers can’t get rid of their excess “stock” due to covid-19 affecting meat-packing factories, they shut down the ventilation system, doors and windows of large overcrowded barns filled with pigs until the animals die of “hyperthermia.” Video footage from Direct Action Everywhere showed a barn full of pigs, the camera filling up with steam, and the sound of shrieking as the pigs bodies’ overheated until the steam cleared to show the grey dead bodies of the pigs.

Ag gag laws continue to be passed by different states. Attempts by activists to show the truth are met with charges of terrorism. Even when the images of unbelievable cruelty are accessible to the public, the meat industry continues to fight back. The American Veterinarians Association have come under fire from a rebel group of veterinarians who object to the organization’s approval of the process for mass extermination. Although advocating for this practice may seem extreme and violent, it’s not a surprise. The ability of the agricultural industry to end so many animal lives in cruel ways shows that Big Ag’s brutal regime still controls what is acceptable. Please read more about this issue, share with friends and sign the petition in the following article:

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There is a qualitative difference in how we talk about animal vs. human abuse. That also translates into how we punish animal abuse. A man from Missouri has been released into house arrest after he tortured and killed at least 12 cats that he brought from craigslist for the specific purpose of killing and torturing them. The man revealed that he enjoyed stamping on the heads of cats and killing them by strangling them. He seemed to enjoy victimizing a wide variety of cats. He used craigslist to obtain mother cats, baby kittens and adult cats. Craigslist was this man’s a la carte menu of victims, a way he could easily gain access to a variety of animal victims to appease his violent appetites.

The man is considered a violent animal abuser and faces felony animal abuse charges. This pattern of killing and abuse seems deeply ingrained, to the extent that he will probably always be a danger to animals, and even humans. There is a petition urging the St. Charles County prosecuting attorney to prosecute the man to the fullest extent of the law and require extensive psychological intervention. If this man had abused and killed humans, he would be considered a dangerous serial killer. Unlike with a serial killer, however, this animal murderer will be free in the future to hurt animals and humans too. The max sentence for animal cruelty rarely stretches beyond five years. Several studies and the FBI have found a correlation between animal cruelty and the crimes of serial killers and rapists. Animal cruelty still ranks below cruelty to humans even though it is an equivalent violent crime, as perpetrators harm humans too.

The other side of this issue is that craigslist is effectively allowing animals to be trafficked by allowing them to be listed on their website without protections. There’s no guarantee that animals listed through craigslist will go to a good home. The fact that animals can be listed on craigslist indicates how low animal life is valued in the first place. Serial killers and abusers can obtain animals like they are property (as they’re considered by the law), and treat them like objects to be defiled. The ease with which this animal serial killer could torture and kill animals shows how much work there is to be done on the issue of sheltering animals from abuse and taking animal abuse seriously as the horrific violence that it is.
Read more about this issue, share the petition, and read about why you should never list animals on craigslist.

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Ohio has joined a number of states who have made the shelter pet the state’s official animal. This is designed to raise awareness of how to do pet adoption in a way that is better for animals. The untold misery caused by puppy mills is something that is at odds with the image of a cute, new puppy. The animals packed into overcrowded shelters and euthanized before they can find a home are the hidden tragedies behind the choice to buy within the pet industry.

Many people don’t realize that the pet they buy from the store is the substitute for an animal in a shelter that loses their life. Many pets are euthanized at animal shelters as the shelters can’t cope with the numbers of abandoned pets. This is a move that shines a public light on the problem of shelter animals. After the publicity fades people need to remind friends and neighbors that there is only one responsible way to get a pet – adopt from an animal shelter.

Puppy mills are a particularly cruel alternative to shelter adoption. Adult dogs are kept purely for breeding at puppy mills and often killed when they are no longer viable. Puppies are treated as “farmed” animals and are kept in poor conditions. You can read more about puppy mills on The Humane Society’s website, and also about how to support the WOOF Act, a law that would defend against cruel puppy mills renewing their USDA license.

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In some good news, it looks like more people are choosing to have a cruelty-free Thanksgiving, as turkey sales drop at two major poultry companies. Sales of tofurkey and vegan options are on the rise. This Thanksgiving, the LA Dodgers gave away 100 vegan turkeys to raise awareness.

The tragic thing is that losses at both companies won’t restore the lives of turkeys who have died. Both the companies mentioned in this Live Kindly article have put their vegan lines in competition with their poultry products. An oversupply of turkeys means a loss for the company, but also meaningless loss of life and/or miserable lives for turkeys on farms. Even a turkey farm owner whose company is fighting Direct Action Everywhere activists in court has taken it upon himself to release birds to the activists. The truce came about through an unlikely friendship between the farm owner and the head of DxE. DxE activists are facing 60 years for releasing turkeys (the owner of the farm isn’t in favor of the charges).

Until recently, turkeys were not treated like living beings. They were symbolic to humans at best and fuel at worst. Turkeys were even thrown out of planes at the infamous Yellville Turkey Trot – a sport, and a joke because they couldn’t fly. The trend for a cruelty-free Thanksgiving shows that we are moving away from these terrible times, but casual cultural traditions like the White House turkey pardon make it apparent that we still have far to go. Consider encouraging your family and friends to start a cruelty-free Thanksgiving tradition next year and beyond!

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Just recently, a decomposed dog was found abandoned in a foreclosed home. We don’t know how long the animal suffered without food and water, but to have to deteriorate over the course of days would have been an incredibly painful end to the dog’s life. What’s maybe even worse though is the emotional distress the dog would have felt, abandoned by his owner and restrained so he couldn’t seek out food and water.

Legal chaining isn’t just a problem because people can cruelly abandon animals, it’s also a problem in cold and hot weather, or in any other situation where the dog’s life may be in danger so it can’t free itself. Dogs may be vulnerable to attack from other animals like coyotes or bears for example. Then there is the little-understood reality of what chaining is like for dogs psychologically. Chaining is stressful for dogs, and leads to aggressive behavior. According to a study by the Centers for Disease Control, chained dogs are 2.8 times more likely to bite than non-chained dogs. Jennifer Tierney of Fur-Ever Friends of North Carolina was quoted in this article stating that chaining is a “public health issue” for humans, too.

New laws are slowly being adopted, like Pennsylvania’s Libre Law, which limit chaining. Banning chaining altogether though would have the most beneficial effects for both humans and dogs. Chaining carries too much potential for abuse and emotional suffering – and sometimes plain old error. People who chain dogs habitually may simply forget to unchain them during extreme weather. Get informed about chaining by checking out some of the useful info the human society has on their website, and contact your local representative, to end this practice. For more information on the death of the brown Labrador who was abandoned, please follow the link to the petition:

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