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The more access we have to information, the more examples we see of the way animals work together, care for and even comfort each other in sadness and illness. A touching photo of comfort dogs at the vet is the latest example to catch people’s attention. Some vets have dogs whose job is to provide comfort and solace for sick and dying dogs. These dogs are able to care for other dogs by letting them know that everything’s going to be OK, and by just being there in the same way humans are for each other.

It’s remarkable and yet not remarkable. What people are witnessing isn’t just animals being adorable, but animals interacting together just as humans do. Acts of kindness between people can also have this feelgood factor. Caring for other beings is something that doesn’t stop at our own species. The days when there was an easy excuse to see animals as automatic and unfeeling are passing away. All the evidence shows that animals are a parallel society who can organize and bond in deep ways. It’s great that people are sharing these stories, but discovering that animals feel solidarity, comfort and pain should do more than make us feel good. It should awaken us to the bonds we break and the pain we cause when we are violent to animals.

Veterinarian Has A ‘Comfort Dog’ That Assists Sick, Scared Pets

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