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In an exciting breakthrough for research in animal communication, the SETI institute managed to
have the first ever conversation with a humpbacked whale. The SETI institute began as a NASA
research program to understand and search for life beyond earth. The Whale-SETI team is using the
mathematics of information theory to understand terrestrial, non-human communication as a way
to develop filters to apply to any communication with extraterrestrial life.

Humpback whales are social and intelligent creatures who make tools and communicate with songs
and social calls. The Whale-SETI team has been studying humpback whale communication, which
include “contact calls” that whales use to communicate their presence to other whales. The team of
scientists from the SETI Institute, UC Davis and the Alaska Whale Foundation played the contact calls
into the sea via an underwater speaker, and a humpback whale named Twain approached and
circled the team’s boat while responding in a style that matched the original contact signal. The
researchers managed to have a 20 minute conversation with Twain. It is the first known
“conversation” between humans and humpback whales. Humpback whales also display non-audio
communicative behavior when they blow bubble rings in the presence of humans.

Whale SETI may be viewed as a springboard for communicating with extraterrestrial life. However
communication with animals could have more immediate benefits for animals in our world, right
now. Whales are one of the marine creatures who are profoundly affected by human activity. Whale song is disrupted by the noise of ships. If we can communicate with non-human animals our decision making should consider them as equal participants.

Humans have erroneously viewed human communication as synonymous with superior intelligence.
Without the ability to communicate with other animals and with a so-called superior intelligence
human activity has rampaged throughout animal habitats without the consent of animals. Every step
towards understanding animal intelligence and communication provides further evidence that these
assumptions are wrong. Scientific knowledge should not dictate our respect for non-human animals,
however scientific discovery can provide a basis for progressive animal rights policy and zero
tolerance for cruelty towards non-human lives.

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Human ability to use language is the reason behind many spurious claims of human supremacy over animals. As science advances however, it’s become clear that animals, particularly social species like dolphins and apes, do use signals to communicate, from sign language to underwater acoustic signals. 

The pattern recognition ability of AI is now being used to analyze large data-sets of animal communication behaviors. The aim is to find patterns in communication signals that correspond to animal responses. Soon, we may be able to communicate with animals and actually ask them what their perspective is rather than imposing our human-centered perspective on them.

The use of AI to divine the secret world of animal communication has a trans-humanist bent. It goes beyond our limited ideas about our place in the world and the cosmos, as uniquely gifted life-forms who have the right to do what we want to other species.

AI research doesn’t only cover individual animal communications (bioacoustics), but also ecosystem communication (ecoacoustics). Already this research is being employed in such projects as recording the development and health of a reforested area of rainforest. It is also being used to monitor marine communications from cetaceans (whales and dolphins) with highly developed acoustic languages as a way of identifying groups of animals that could be at risk of colliding with ships and to establish marine protection zones. 

Since animals are autonomous, sentient beings with their own agenda, it’s not clear if they will welcome communication initiated by humans. Whenever paradigm-changing technology arrives, it should always be wielded with extreme care to manage its impact on all forms of life and ecosystems. In the best case scenario, when humans decentralize our place in the natural world with a new understanding of animal communication, we could start to see human choices as a process of consultation with the animal and natural world rather than a cruel process of dominion over it.

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The more access we have to information, the more examples we see of the way animals work together, care for and even comfort each other in sadness and illness. A touching photo of comfort dogs at the vet is the latest example to catch people’s attention. Some vets have dogs whose job is to provide comfort and solace for sick and dying dogs. These dogs are able to care for other dogs by letting them know that everything’s going to be OK, and by just being there in the same way humans are for each other.

It’s remarkable and yet not remarkable. What people are witnessing isn’t just animals being adorable, but animals interacting together just as humans do. Acts of kindness between people can also have this feelgood factor. Caring for other beings is something that doesn’t stop at our own species. The days when there was an easy excuse to see animals as automatic and unfeeling are passing away. All the evidence shows that animals are a parallel society who can organize and bond in deep ways. It’s great that people are sharing these stories, but discovering that animals feel solidarity, comfort and pain should do more than make us feel good. It should awaken us to the bonds we break and the pain we cause when we are violent to animals.

Veterinarian Has A ‘Comfort Dog’ That Assists Sick, Scared Pets

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This last week, the world has been in mourning for Koko the beloved mountain gorilla who learned to speak in American sign language. Koko was born on the 4th of July 1971, hence her name “Fireworks-child” (in Japanese), shortened to “Koko.” This fireworks child was a prodigy – she learned to play the recorder, and to sign over 1,000 signs and understand 2,000 words of spoken English. Koko was sad when she lost a pet, spoke about her longing for a child (the pet kitten was a close substitute) and talked about death and her own death. She also played with words and mixed them up in new combinations. She once described herself as a “fine-gorilla-person.”

Did humans teach Koko about language, or did Koko teach humans? Koko could speak in sign language,
but also more importantly, she could listen. When she listened, she interpreted things in her own way.
Despite criticism of the Koko project (which stated that Koko was mimicking her trainers), Koko
responded in unexpected ways. When she was asked where gorillas go to when they die, she said
“comfortable-hole-bye.” There were a few occasions when she expressed deep sadness and grief, like
when her pet kitten was hit by a car and killed.

Language is often used as an excuse to elevate humans above other animals. There were scientists who
felt Koko’s use of language was meaningless, as she didn’t learn grammar and syntax. But throughout
her life, Koko used sign language not as a lifeless toy or tool to get food and water, but a way to
communicate and describe her world. Communication –- rather than language –- was the key. Koko
and her researchers built a rapport together, where words could mean more than the dictionary
definition, they could mean complex emotional states and refer to shared understanding between
Koko and the researchers. Above all, what Koko taught us is that language is a human invention, but
communication is common to all animals. For that, we owe a debt to Koko, our Gorilla teacher.

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