

This is a picture of D2, a beautiful male fox who was forced to procreate–to make babies that would be gassed and murdered to make someone’s clothing. He refused to do it anymore. Why did he refuse?
He refused because it was an act of freedom. It was a speech act, an act of parrhesia in the best way he could. He was murdered for it. Treated like refuse.

I have recently seen beautiful pictures of Arctic Foxes. They are content and happy–nothing like D2. I have made a personal pledge not to look the other way. He is now my responsibility, and we are going to find a way to alleviate this situation. One of the projects Nazarita and I will do is to write a book about imprisoned and murdered foxes like D2. Freedom4Animals will be able promote a great dialogue about the fur industry, just like we have done with our primate rights book.

I, personally, will not shirk my responsibility to honor D2’s last act of freedom: it cost him his life.

As my mentor, a Catholic priest, used to say to me: Couragio.orci.

SStories of animals Freedom 4 Animals has supported.

Greyhound racing is a cruel sport. Deaths, injuries and exhaustion are the norm. The animals’ natural
speed and abilities are harnessed in this nonconsensual sport that brings in millions for the industry
and sports fans, but ruins dogs’ lives. The sport is so hard on animals, that many US states and some countries have banned it . New Zealand is poised to be the latest country that bans greyhound racing. In Ireland, greyhound racing still receives 20 million every year in funding.

Every year, dogs die, grist to the mill. In 2024, the death toll of greyhounds at Irish race tracks
increased by 60%. 96 greyhounds were either euthanized or died of a racing injury on Ireland’s racing tracks between January and the end of June 2024 in Ireland. In previous years 60 animals were euthanized or died of a track-inflicted injury during the same time period. It’s an unacceptable amount of deaths in a “so-called sport” that is funded by taxpayer money.

It’s almost impossible to imagine a sport where humans frequently die or push themselves so hard
that they are too worn out to even retire after the sport. Of course we don’t euthanize humans
when they are no longer useful. And even the most demanding or dangerous human sports are
pursued voluntarily, whereas animals are engaged in sports without their consent.

A spokesperson for Greyhound Racing Ireland explained the deaths away as a result of an increase of
dogs being raced in the country. This only makes it clearer that greyhound racing is a sport that
sends dogs to their death.

Animal Welfare advocates have repeatedly criticized the Irish government’s funding of greyhound
racing. Greyhound racing receives more guaranteed funding than any other sport in Ireland. The
obvious conclusion from this is that greyhound racing is big business for the country: it’s easy money
for an industry that doesn’t have to pay its athletes or guarantee their welfare.

In even worse news for Irish greyhounds, Irish greyhounds are being exported to India to participate
in an incredibly cruel craze that involves racing greyhounds against motorbikes. This open animal
cruelty, known as “motorbike lure coursing” races dogs to exhaustion and exposes dogs to the
danger of being mangled in an accident.Just like humans, animals are capable of amazing physical feats. They enjoy testing their abilities, being competitive and playing with other animals. However unlike humans, they are forced to engage in sporting activities without their consent. Until we can communicate with animals to understand their needs and desires, involving them in sporting activities that are cruel
and punishing is not sport – it’s animal cruelty. At Freedom 4 Animals we believe that animal freedom demands that we consider animals as beings of equal significance, with equally valid needs, desires and agency. Read more about our educational programs and animal advocacy.
Please sign the petition to stop horse-racing in Ireland.

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