No Time to be Passive: We Must Protest Cruel Chinese Dog Meat Festival

There comes a time in your life when you must risk all to do what is right no matter what the consequences are to yourself.  I am well-established scientist, psychoanalyst, lawyer, and mediator.  I co-manage an animal rights organization. I write recondite theory about the self, society, and culture.  But I am done with any remnant of passivity, at all risk to my good career and to my self interest.  I am also done with being politically correct.  On Tuesday night, the Chinese beat thousands of dogs, stabbed them, ripped their skin off, and boiled or torched them to death, while they were alive and sentient.  Today they will do the same during a 10 day long dog meat festival.  In North America, today we will do this to horses, pigs, cows, and chickens, with the same level of torture and violence.   This is morally unjustifiable in every conceivable world, and it shows the illogic of moral relativism. I reject this behavior absolutely.  I will no longer buy any products from China.  I will no longer buy any products from North America if they are associated with torture and violence.  I also ratify that I am 100% vegan.  Please join me. The voiceless are struggling in the boiling water as I write.  ~ KCB

Kevin Boileau

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