Free Suman the Baby Elephant Before She is Psychologically Broken

One of the saddest images you can find on the internet at the moment is that of a Baby Elephant
named Suman, tied by her feet and making repetitive movements to soothe herself from her distress.
The baby cries for her mother, but no one comes.

According to wildlife groups, the story of this baby elephant is one of trafficking and exploitation.
Before a circus was shut down by authorities and the animals rehomed, the baby was sold for cash to a man known for profiting from trafficked elephants. What is really unbelievable is that we know where Suman’s parents are and what their names are, yet we can’t reunite this young elephant with her parents because all three are “working” animals who make money for humans. Suman’s mother Chanda apparently gives rides to tourists in Jaipur and her father Bilji is rented out for festivals, weddings and processions.

The government are aware of the baby elephant’s illegal captivity, but have done nothing about it. This isn’t a situation that can be left dangling while bureaucrats go back and forth. This baby elephant appears to be going through the kind of emotional torture that would scar a human child for
life. We have a choice to stop this suffering and give baby Suman a better start to her life. Please share this story and sign the petition to get authorities to reunite Suman with her family.

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