World’s Newest Ape Species About to be Decimated

Just as the world’s most recent ape species was discovered, their habitat is about to be decimated. The Northern Sumatran Tanpanuli Orangutan was only discovered last year, and the population is already known to be the most endangered ape species in the world. The orangutans are threatened by Chinese diggers constructing a hydroelectric dam that will divide their habitat in two.

The dam has been opposed by leading environmentalists. Research in top scientific journals has shown that its impact will be disastrous. Yet it still goes ahead because of an injection of funding from the Chinese State Bank. Other major funders have pulled money based on the impacts on the orangutans, amongst other things. The reason why this disastrous project is being protected is that it is part of a huge Chinese plan for infrastructure to facilitate trade. Projects like this will spring up elsewhere, harming other wildlife.

Videos show orangutans clawing at diggers who are moving into their habitat. Orangutan literally means “man of the forest.” We must stop the advance of human works of such magnitude and harm. The vulnerable are counting on us. Please sign and share.

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