Videos Show Violence of Baby Elephant’s Captor

The group that came to the rescue of baby elephant Suman have released a video showing the elephant’s captor inflicting relentless violence on elephants. Wildlife SOS launched a campaign to save Suman the baby elephant, but still nothing has been done by the Rajasthan government, despite the fact that elephant trafficking is illegal.

The baby elephant was already in a delicate state when evidence of her captivity drew outrage. She was penned in a small cage, tied by her foot and making repetitive movements that clearly showed distress. Her parents and sister have since been reunited, but this six year old baby elephant is still at the mercy of almost certain violence, abuse and mistreatment. In the video her captor is shown mercilessly beating and tying up and burning the foot-pads of elephants. Humans who protested have also reportedly been fired or attacked.

Animal psychologists are worried about the damage this trauma will do to Suman. Elephants live just as long as humans and so the “memory of an elephant” could be a liability as well as a gift. The sooner the baby elephant can be freed, the more likely she is to heal from the harm and isolation done to her.

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