Humans Can Co-Exist with Coyotes

Coyotes are opportunistic hunters. They prey on small mammals, domestic pets, livestock, and domestic fowl but will also ​readily eat carrion and plants. A coyote will adjust its diet depending on the food that is available.

Humans can coexist with coyotes if we are vigilant and aware that we often live close to their territory. We simply do not need to annihilate them with poison or guns if we can think it through and act responsibly.

Coyotes in populated areas are less fearful of people. They have been known to attack pets and approach people too closely. To protect yourself and your small pets, do the following:

Never Feed Coyotes. Remove pet food, water sources, bird feeders, and fruit. Secure trash in a container with a locking lid. Install a 6 foot privacy fence.

If a coyote approaches, yell, throw rocks or sticks at it, spray with a hose, or bang pots and pans. Do not run or turn your back. Be as big and loud as possible. Wave your arms and throw objects. Face the coyote and back away slowly. If attacked, fight back.

Keep pets on a short leash. Use extra caution dusk through dawn. Avoid known or potential den sites and thick vegetation. Do not allow dogs to play or interact with coyote.

Pick up small pets if confronted by a coyote.Alw​ays supervise your pet when outside, especially at dawn or dusk. Neve​r leave cats or dogs outside after dark. Don’t leave pet food outside.

If you must leave your pet outside, secure it in a fully enclosed kennel.​ Walk with a walking stick. Keep a deterrent spray handy. Carry noise makers or rocks to throw.

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